What are you? Are you your body? Are you a soul?

What are you? Are you your body? are you a soul?
What am I? Am I my body? Am I a soul?
I am infinite consciousness all that there ever was or ever will be, I am the whole become the one, I am not life and I am not death I just am. I am a perception of all.
Am I my body?- That is what we are taught from cradle to grave, the five sense reality which the system exploits to enslave us in this Earth frequency illusion. To interact with the internet I you need a computer same goes with Earth Frequency I you need an avatar/body/computer to have a human experience on this bandwidth Earth but the one is not limited to just one model of a body/avatar/computer it I you can take any form like the aliens Gray or reptilians etc who are having a Gray experience or a Reptilian experience just like us the Human experience using an avatar custom made for a particular planet in our case Earth..
What is Earth Frequency? There are infinite bandwidths or frequencies which I you can interact with using a body computer, imagine if you will a radio, when I you dial the radio white noise can be heard until I you tune into a station I you can hear the broadcast now its not like all radio stations are inside my your radio the physical radio is a receiver just like our body.
The Earth Frequency is the same concept as a radio station one of many frequencies which can be enjoyed if I you wish to do so, dial in the frequency get yourself a meat suit and off you go like a first player video game.
The world which we see and experience is an illusion and everyone and thing in it is a projection of the One which is you and me and can change our illusion at any time surprise I bet they didn't teach you that at the sausage factory the fact of the matter is that we are not here it is a perception of this Earth Frequency. They tell us we live than we die in between is life WHAT how can that be when I am all consciousness I was before this body/computer/avatar and I will be after this body/computer/avatar.
Am I a Soul? No I am not I am one who is aware of this illusion which the One is experiencing with seven billion different perceptions of the same experience. I am the one become the whole and the whole become the one. Example A fly has five eyes, all five send information to the brain with a different perspective same with the One but with seven billion different perceptions. I am not a soul I am One soul in a manner of speaking the One experiencing this particular frequency with trillions of different perspectives.
I go into far more details in my book on this subject

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