One Ocean

We have only one ocean, the majority of this planet is water which means majority of the life on this earth calls the Ocean home. Marine life is going extinct, millions of animals and fish are washing up on shores across the world due to human neglect and corruption.
Our demand for seafood has already put strain on our ocean for decades and knowing the damage we are doing we continue to ask for more and now this Fukashima the straw that broke the camels back, the final nail in the coffin. This disaster could have been avoided but they choose dollars instead.
This herd scientists and the United Nations The World Health Organization The Atomic Agency are all to blame these morons put nuclear reactors on fault lines not a fault line but a conjunction of faults on one of the most active earthquake prone places n the planet. Lets give them some more funding shall we.
These guys have no idea what the fuck is going on they have polluted our planet and the world is doing nothing about it. People are dying, animals are dying, birds are dying, vegetation is dying, fish is dying, do you not think for a moment this will not affect you? Why do you think the mainstream program box has its lips sowed shut on Fukashima the biggest story in history?
Do your research I detested doing this video infarct I didn't even set out to do this video I was working on something else but my inner self my infinite consciousness guided me through his horrendous project by keeping my vibratory distortion high in order for you to see wtf is going on.
Stop eating fish if you know whats good for you, your eating cancer. Protecting the trillions of dollars the fishing industry is worth is number one priority not your health its a double whammy for these guys they make money off the fish and the drugs to keep you alive and in pain so think twice before you consume anything from our radio active ocean on the side note have you heard about the 2056 nuclear bombs the herd scientists has blown up if averaged out one a week for the past 75 years. Get my point
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