The Body/computer avatar chakras system

Earth Frequency

The Body/computer avatar chakras system


The important thing here I should note is that not all mental illnesses are in fact mental illness just because the doctor/pharmaceutical agent/drug dealers says it is keep in mind this is the same person who gets paid commission for prescribing deadly addictive drugs more like a drug dealer in a white coat than a doctor to people so appropriately i will use Schizophrenia as an example of delusional healthcare as it is directly related to the third eye and crown chakras. This is the description of Schizophrenia according to doctor/pharmaceutical agent/drug dealers "Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness characterized by schizophrenia symptoms, such as experiencing hallucinations or delusions that have no connection to reality" that's a good one maybe an inside joke and they are all laughing at us or there are more sinister intentions at work. There are different sub types of schizophrenia, including:

paranoid schizophrenia.
disorganized, or hebephrenic schizophrenia.
catatonic schizophrenia.
childhood schizophrenia.
schizoaffective disorder.

All right that's a lot of bullshit to swallow at once so i wont and I suggest you dont either lets observe this from the perspective of we are infinite consciousness using this body/computer avatar to interact with earth frequency we are one I am a projection of you and you are a projection of me we are the same consciousness meaning we share a collective consciousness those who are able to connect to this consciousness are called clairvoyants and psychics but off course the mainstream 'norm' call them fakes, hoaxes and full of crap are they? off course not the earth has a electromagnetic field which not only protects itself from the sun and space but also stores and channels information which these people are tapping into well how? I don't know but I will tell you what the good old mainstream wont remember I was saying earlier our body/computer avatar is a custom fit costume for earth well the body/computer avatar also has an electromagnetic field which we call an aura which is connected to the earths magnetic field where you transmit and receive information your thoughts, intentions and actions are all stored there like the cloud.

The brain is loaded with magnetite which is a great crystal to send, receive and store information also magnetite is the most magnetic substance known to man. It exists in the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and in the lining surrounding the brain and spinal cord and consists of five million magnetite crystals in each gram of brain tissue and when combined with Crystalline Properties of the Body as a solid crystal, it has the ability to convert vibrational energy, such as sound or light, into electromagnetic and electric energy. Crystals can absorb, store, amplify, transduce, and transmit these vibrational energies this is why they are putting fluoride in our drinking water to create a layer of film or plaque to subdue your natural powers of knowing and deny you access to our collective infinite consciousness.

I have to stress again the problems begin at home by parents who are trying to live like the Redinklesons across the street and the Redinklesons trying to live like the Hipokrisons no one is enjoying there own human experience and to busy living others and operating on software program called 'Normal'so when Johnny tells his parents he has an invisible friend that no one can see except him or hears voices talking to him instead of harnessing and nourishing such a precious gift the red flags go up, alarm bells begin to ring and the stigma/programming of schizophrenia=Crazy=physco=retarded=etc is ringing in Johnny's parents ears like a loud speaker red alert red alert red alert and in absolute fear everyone jumps into the family SUV vrrrooom off they go to their local doctor/pharmaceutical agent/drug dealer to whom Johnny is a customer and not a patient.



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