Joan of Arc: God's Warrior or was she?

History is filled with accounts of people compelled into action by contact with what they claim to be an extraterrestrial, divine or supernatural beings.
Abraham, Muhammad and St.Paul peace be upon them are described as having been inspired by visits from God. Moses, Confucius  are said to have met strange visitors who passed along moral codes and philosophies.

The best known example of a man receiving specific instructions from an extraterrestrial source can be found in a story of Moses. According to the biblical book of exodus Moses first encountered God in a form of a burning bush, it was here that he was given his mission to deliver the Hebrew people out of slavery in Egypt and into the promised land.

Later at mount Sinai after he had safely brought the Jews into the desert he was handed the ten commandments as laws given to man directly by God which eventually these moral codes became the foundation of Christianity. The story of Moses can also be interpreted not only as divine but also an alien encounter.
Is it possible that Moses was inspired by a force not only from the heavens but from another world? if so is it possible that other divine inspirations have also had other worldly origins?

A fifteenth century girl also reportedly received a divine inspiration not to build but to lead men in war. In 1429 Orleans France was besieged by the English during the one hundred years war, the survival of the french military and government appeared doomed.

Joan of Arc than a 17 year old traveled to chateau Sheenum where she persuaded the local leaders that St.Michael, St.Catherine and St.Margaret had visited her and told her that her presence in Orleans would inspire the french army to break the siege. She also tells them that these visions where saints came to her and tell her to lead an army and free the city.

She does so and also has other prophecies and from these visitations she's able to end the siege of a major city and make other contributions to history all because these saints came to her in a vision. While Joan of Arc served primarily as a military figure head she also designed new artillery tactics and repeatedly outsmarted the more experienced English commanders.

Did her mysterious visions actually come from heaven? or might the french teenager have received extraterrestrial knowledge?

If this is in fact what was happening than it would lead one to conclude that the hidden hand decided that the way the world would turn out if this battle had not been won in favor of the french would have been an extremely negative outcome for humanity.

Joan of Arc was than contacted by illuminas extraterrestrial beings who then imparted the information to her and gave her the confidence that ultimately lead her military campaign to victory.

If alien beings have inspired and affected human events than is it really to help humanity? or could there be another sinister agenda?

After her capture by the English army Joan of Arc burned at the stake as a heretic, St.Paul who converted to Christianity after a divine apparition and was later executed by the Romans and Moses lead his people through the desert for forty years but could not enter the promised land himself.

One fact is certain after contact is established the fate of the human messenger is not always a pleasant one.

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