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Sutures used to hold wounds together date back to the Neolithic period, the earliest known use is around 10000 BC where Some of the first surgical sutures were biting ants. Europeans used the fiber from animal intestines and ancient Egyptians created sutures from linen, around the same time, in South Africa and India, biting ants were used to mend wounds. They are applied to the open wound, where they bite the skin, pinching the wound closed. They are then twisted to snap their heads off, which stay in place acting as a stitch.
The ancient Indian Sanskrit text on surgery, Sushruta Samhita, contains methods of skin suture, including a description of how insects have been applied in the healing of wounds.
. . large black ants should be applied even to the perforated intestines . . . and their bodies should be separated from their heads after they had firmly bitten the perforated parts with their claws [jaws]. After that the intestines with the head of the ants attached to them should be gently pushed back into the cavity and reinstated in their original situation therein. source
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he is called the devil Lucifer and Satan his name conjures up horrifying images of a horned demon who's sole purpose is to corrupt and destroy mankind. Satan has become the catch all for embodiment of evil, when we think of Satan we think of this character that rules over the land of flames the red guy with horns and a pitch fork but than on the darker side Satan has become a terrifying frightening embodiment of evil who causes man to do terrible things who is the source of torture death and destruction. Are these perceptions of Satan correct? Is he really the master of all things evil in the universe? In the ritual known as the exorcism a priest or a minister performs a sacred right in order to confront Satan and drive him back to hell. It is a ceremony that dates back thousands of years and is considered quite controversial even within the catholic church. Just who or what is Satan? why is he determined to corrupt all of humanity? Perhaps the answers can be found in the ...
Puranas Traditional Hindu scripture the Puranas describe a number of cycles within cycles with each age having it's own particular qualities and virtues. The cycles are measured in different types of units each often described as a Deva year each of which equals to 360 human years. The philosophy of the Epics and Puranas is essentially the pre-scholastic Vedanta in which the higher aspects of the Sankhya and Yoga get amplified. We have already noticed the teachings of the Mahabharata as embodied in the Bhagavad-Gita and Anu-Gita. The metaphysical side of the Mahabharata is a popular exposition of the wisdom of the Upanishads, in which Brahman is identified with Narayana as the Supreme Being, and the Prakriti and Purusha of the Sankhya are accepted as the material and the essence, respectively, of the Universe (Jagat) and the individual (Jiva). In the Vedanta of the Mahabharata, however, Prakriti and Purusha are dependent on God and form His body, so that their existence i...
Alpha - The Beginning The Garden of Eden was not in Asia but on a now sunken continent in the Pacific Ocean. The biblical story of creation the epic of the seven days and seven nights came first, not from the peoples of the Nile or of the Euphrates Valley, but from this now submerged continent, Mu the Motherland of Man. These assertions can be proved by the complex records which I discovered upon long forgotten sacred tablets in India, together with records from other countries. They tell of this strange country of 64,000,000 inhabitants, who, 50,000 years ago, had developed a civilization superior in many respects to our own. They described, among other things, the creation of man in the mysterious land of Mu. By comparing this writing with records of other ancient civilizations, as revealed in written documents, prehistoric ruins and geological phenomena, I found that all these centers of civilization had drawn their culture from a common source-Mu. We may, therefore, be ...
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