Driver Ants

Sutures used to hold wounds together date back to the Neolithic period, the earliest known use is around 10000 BC where Some of the first surgical sutures were biting ants. Europeans used the fiber from animal intestines and ancient Egyptians created sutures from linen, around the same time, in South Africa and India, biting ants were used to mend wounds. They are applied to the open wound, where they bite the skin, pinching the wound closed. They are then twisted to snap their heads off, which stay in place acting as a stitch.

The ancient Indian Sanskrit text on surgery, Sushruta Samhita, contains methods of skin suture, including a description of how insects have been applied in the healing of wounds.
. . large black ants should be applied even to the perforated intestines . . . and their bodies should be separated from their heads after they had firmly bitten the perforated parts with their claws [jaws]. After that the intestines with the head of the ants attached to them should be gently pushed back into the cavity and reinstated in their original situation therein. source

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