Nazi World Order/War Manipulation

Earth Frequency
Nazi World Order/War Manipulation
It is fundamentally important to keep in mind all wars, are and were planned by Illuminati, in a letter by Albert Pike in 1871 to Giuseppe Mazzini he outlines the plan to take the world over aka NWO. Where have we seen this shit before the age old adage of rule the world by divine order but you gotta murder millions of people in order to do it, what kinda God is that?. Any ways if you are not familiar with these two men let me explain Albert Pike, this should be short, was a 33 degree free mason OK thats it, lol just kidding humor set aside the word Illuminati should send quivers up your back. An agent of the House of Rothschild Albert Pike was an Illuminati 33rd degree, Freemason Ocultist Grand Master and creator of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Masonic Scottish Rite Order, and Chapter 322 member of the Brotherhood of Death obviously understood. Albert Pike along with Judah Benjamin and John Slidell created the secret Mardi Gras society the Mystick Krewe of Comus and the Pickwick Club in order to open up a secret place to operate their 322 Chapter of Skull and Bones.
Giuseppe Mazzini “Evil Genius of Italy,” was again another 33rd Degree Freemason, a British Intelligence agent, a terrorist and founder of Young Europe and Young Italy, another pyramidal network of revolutionary groups designed to cause chaos around the world which eventually went on to include Young America, Young Russia, Young Bosnia, Young Turks and B’nai B’rith. On Nov. 18, 1830 when Adam Weishaupt the founder of the Illuminati died Giuseppe Mazzini was appointed head of the organization in 1834.
While attending university Giuseppe joined yet another 'secret' organization bent on raising hell to carry out their Lucifarian agenda on earth called Carbonari, a quote from 1818 “Our final aim is that of Voltaire and of the French Revolution — the complete annihilation of Catholicism, and ultimately all Christianity.” not friendly guys and sound pretty anal retentive to me, where do these guys come up with this stuff anyways? can't mind their own business simply put, their just another line of thugs like if you can call them people Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Hitler, Genghis Khan, Cyrus The Great, Alexander the Great now that really makes me laugh 'the great' how is that great when these people are responsible for hundreds of millions of murders all in their blood thirsty conquest to rule the world.
Earth Frequency - Nazi World Order/War Manipulation

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