Nuclear Assault

Earth Frequency
Nuclear Assault
It's your fault, its your grannies fault, its your kids fault, is what they keep on telling us, "you gotta make your carbon foot print smaller" to the average Jane and Joe meanwhile industry is free to do as they like or how about the herd scientist remember them industry is kindergarten to these guys they got a Goliath foot print which the herd media stays away from pointing fingers at, no surprise there so lets play their finger pointing game shall we, remember if you point a finger you got three pointing back at you so lets put those three pointing back into some context of the blame game and serious delinquent in taking responsibility.
The Goliath foot print made its debut in July of 1945 which we named Trinity the first of 2,056 Trinities that would lay down an assault on the earth which it had not seen since antiquity. (Mohenjo Daro) Atmospheric explosions, surface explosions, sub surface explosions, under water above water you name it these herd scientists so called smart guys the cream of the crop have deliberately exploded 2056 radio active nuclear weapons and their saying our individual carbon foot print is the problem.
Lets do some quick math shall we.
75 years divide that by 2, 056 nuclear explosions = 29.37 per year for argument sake 29 nuclear explosions in one year divided by 12 months = 2.41 so lets say 2.5 nuclear explosions a month so lets take 2.5 nuclear explosions per month and divide that by 4 weeks in a month = 0.625
Very crude math yes indeed but not complicated the numbers don't lie. I am not going to go into details of how many atmospheric and above ground explosions there have been that's beside the point the damage has been done. These wise smart scientists working for the war machines who we glorify have been blowing up their nuclear arsenal almost every week if you average the bullocks out for the past seventy five years and their telling us to take the bus to work and sad part is we do, "hey look at me I take the bus to work I freeze my nuts off but that's OK I'm living green" we do because we take every word the media program machine tells us to do because they know most people will not research and rather take the word of CNN or FOX type brain control.
Earth Frequency

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