Moonless Earth

Giordano Bruno a 16th century Italian philosopher is reputed to have written in De Immenso: (Bk IV, x, pp. 56-57):  “There are those who have believed that there was a certain time (as our Mythologian says) when the moon, which was believed to be younger than the sun, was not yet created.  

The Arcadians, who dwelt not far from the Po, are believed to have been in existence before it (the moon).”  “Theodorus writes in his first book that the moon had appeared a little while before the war which was fought by Hercules against the giants.  Aristarchus and Dionysius Chalcidensis, in the first of their works, confirm the same.”  “Mnaseas said that the Acadians were born before the moon, and so they were called ‘proselenian’; meaning, ‘before the moon’.” 

Bruno goes on to step upon the sensibilities of future scholars by noting that, “the earth, which is of the same species as the moon, is of creatable and destructible substance, and is truly animal and even mortal, although divine.  Therefore, the planets (worlds) are able to be created and destroyed, and it is not possible that they have been eternal, since we have proved them to be alterable and consisting of changing parts.”

Velikovsky has discussed this same idea by noting that one of the most remote recollections of mankind is in regard to the period of Earth’s history when it was Moonless.  Velikovsky quotes everyone from Democritus and Anaxagoras to Aristotle and Apollonius of Rhodes to show that such a pre-Hellenic time existed.  Those humans living at the time were called Pelasgians, Proselenes (“before the Moon”), and Arcadians (pre-Danai and pre-Deukalion).  They were said to have dwelt in the mountains, fed on acorns, and lived as aborigines.

Plutarch, Hippolytus, Censorinus, and a doubting Lucian wrote of pre-Lunar people, as did Ovid, who said that the Arcadians possessed their land before the birth of Jove, and were older than the Moon.  There are even Biblical references (Job 25:5 and Psalm 72:5) which allude to a Moonless Earth -- or at least can be so interpreted.  Finally, the memory of a Moonless Earth is contained in the oral traditions of such Indians as those of the Bogota highlands in the eastern Cordilleras of Colombia, i.e. according to tribesmen of Chibchas, “In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the heavens.”  

The references to the aboriginal nature of the pre-Moon folk, and the fact they lived before “the birth of Jove” is particularly noteworthy.  While Velikovsky and those scholars suggesting a Moonless Earth time, have never made the apparent connection to Sumerian records and the Anunnaki, many of whom of the latter have a date of birth (or arrival in the environs of Earth) which would have occurred after the time of some of Earth’s original aborigines.  

In fact, the time of a Moonless Earth might likely correspond to the time when Homo Erectus was roaming about the planet, dwelling in mountains, eating acorns, and becoming the archetype for future aborigines.  The possible assumption that the Acadians were a civilization is without confirming evidence.  

In addition, the habit of Sumerians to consider civilization and the world as an interchangeable term, does not eliminate an Arcadian “civilization” as being essentially an aboriginal one.  Meanwhile, all the histories tie together, all the pieces of the puzzle fit -- provided, of course, there is no recarving of the puzzles to make them fit in an incorrect position.

Is it possible that the Moon arrived with the Anunnaki -- either initially, or later when it was apparent that an off-planet base was essential?  Is this their “home away from home”, from which they could observe the going ons down below, while still enjoying a privacy from prying human eyes? 

Zecharia Sitchin and others have noted that there were Anunnaki “watchers” in the space surrounding the Earth -- and while it might be assumed they were in artificial satellites in near-Earth orbit, no one appears [until the writing of this essay] to have considered that the artificial satellite upon which the Anunnaki were doing their watching (and administering the trans-shipments of Gold back to Nibiru) was in fact the Moon?

Adam and Eve being Luners  is one case in point, where perhaps the genetic work of Enki and Ninki was being conducted in an off-Earth-site location.  The fact that Adam may have been preaching a worship of the Moon, is just more evidence of his possible birthplace, and the location of his acknowledged creators.

Richard Hoagland  has suggested that the distinct differences between the near and far sides of the Moon may be the result of interplanetary (or interstellar) war damages -- one side being blasted into “seas”, while the far side has no such, similar “damage”!  There is also the War of the Titans, and all sorts of warfare going on among the Anunnaki, especially Enki and Enlil, in the earlier times.   

It might appear ancient history has not even begun to scratch the surface of possibilities of Anunnaki residing on the Moon in the early days (as well as now?), in a continuing series of prime directive violations  .  It is even possible that Hoagland’s lunar anomalies are the remnants of that Anunnaki war, and that there is still Anunnaki in residence on “our” Moon.  Suddenly, the “Man in the Moon” takes on a greater credibility. 

Furthermore, an Anunnaki controlled artificial Moon might have allowed them to use it in some fashion to cause the E.DIN conditions of a “perpetual dawn” on planet Earth.  The Moon could even be where Enoch might have gone for his schooling at Anunnaki University.

[1]  Paterson, A. M., “Giordano Bruno’s View on The Earth without a Moon”, Pensee, Portland, Oregon, Volume 3, Winter, 1973.
[2]  Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, 1976, The Wars of Gods and Men, 1985, Genesis Revisited, 1990, Divine Encounters, 1995, Avon Books, New York.

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