Prison Transport

Prison transport rolls out of the parking lots five days a week to gather all the prisoners for daily assimilation from all the neighborhoods around the country. 

Schools are prisons where the teachers/programmers are the guards and the principal the warden the good old pyramid structure of control, "resistance is futile, now ain't that the truth" can't piss can't shit can't spit can't talk control, control, control.

I say it's a prison but the reformed say "It's a school where kids go to learn" Ok sure Mr. Redinkleson what ever you say Schools, collages and universities are reform farms to refine the minds of the next sheeple generation with the same old dogma.

"good morning children"
"good morning Mrs Redinkleson"
"today we will learn about our history of who discovered America"
"who here can tell me who discovered America?"

kids throw their arms up in the air waving them frantically eager to answer Mrs Redinkleson's question.

"tell us who discovered America Johnny?"
Johnny responds with the answer ' Leif Ericson did Mrs Redinkleson"
"No Johnny that's not correct but nice try, can anyone else tell me?"

Jane shouts out "the natives did"
Mrs Redinkleson responds "no Jane the natives didn't discover America" It was a European explorer called Christopher Columbus in 1492"

Johnny explains to his teacher/programmer "Mrs Redinkleson my dad told me he saw a TV/control show that said the natives were living here before it was America"

Mrs. Redinkleson angrily responds to Johnny "Johnny i dont appreciate you filling the minds of your classmates with false information, I want you to go stand in the corner for 15 mins than you will report to the principals/wardens office for your punishment"

lmao lol lol lol

OORAH I think the Aztec the Maya and the Inca just to name a few would argue against old CC yet the history books continue to fill minds with false and useless information.

The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. Lets take a quick look at what school really teaches children.

1. Truth comes from authority
2. Intelligence is the ability to remember and repeat
3. Accurate memory and repetition are rewarded
4. Non-Compliance is punished
5. Conform: Intellectually and socially

There we have it Original thought is punished why? absolute control nothing but control to keep you in line with the rest of the farm. 



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