The Golden Heist

Earth Frequency
The Golden Heist
Gold the blood of the Gods, the sweat of the sun, everything we hold precious to us, the most valuable thing we own, we have died and unfortunately killed for this precious metal mined out of the earth more often than not with great difficulty in antiquity and today. We give it as an offering, it was and is the sign of wealth, we hold it dear to our harts, our entire economic system was constructed around this golden metal which was brewed for billions of years in a smoldering star for us to use today. Why not some other metal why Gold?. Its because gold is a manipulation tool, whaaaat how can that be? I will tell you, all right, we will have to go back, way way back when there was no time, but we have to first understand time to carry on we have to go where no man has gone before lol bad joke go out of this world when this world was not even a twinkle in the cosmic balls.
The mainstream everything scientist teach us that our star brewed out of cosmic gases along with the solar system and the surrounding neighborhood some four billion years ago but luckily i have learned to not put too much merit into what they say since they all operate on agenda information and herd mentality so I shall call them mainstream herd-scientist might as well as original thought is intrusive and dangerous to their funding and lives so they attack those who come with real information guys you might know like ancient Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos who proposed a Sun-centered astronomical hypothesis of the universe but no one bought it and it took eighteen centuries thats eighteen hundred years, boy we move slow to catch on as came along Nicolaus Copernicus.
In fear of his life from the ever so loving God program he didn't publish his book theorizing heliocentric solar system seen as the launching point to modern astronomy or was it perception perception until his death bed in fear of being branded a heretic and we all know what the loving God program did when people were accused of such a crime or thinking outside of the God cube you guessed it a torturous death not any death but creatively burned to death or boiled to death, impaled, crucified and my favorite roasting a human being in the belly of a bronze bull while the elite listen to the agony, screams of pain sip wine eat grapes and laugh all the while terrorizing the peasants into conforming or else kinda the same as today if you think about it where real scientists are discredited by the herd-scientists get black balled laughed at and cant find no work so they labor as janitor or a line cooks to make ends meet until there dead thats if your lucky. I can go on and on about this but I will save you the time and get back to the Gold ya baby!
Earth Frequency

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