The Money Mafia


The world bank is managed by the elite bloodline families who employ a very rigid core of financial institutions and corporations to dominate earth, it is a pyramid inside a pyramid inside a pyramid where information is departmentalized, most people have no idea whats going on and only get enough information to do their job.

All religious traditions have objects that are used in worship, festivals, rites of passage, or a fresh daily reminders to followers of their beliefs, their traditions, and their reality which in today's case is the bank card and the dreaded credit card.

This super religion is as fake as any out there full of lies, control and deceit . The money which you are so in love with is fake fake fake which has no value and designed to keep you in a state of perpetual slavery with a small carrot thrown to you every once in a while to give you hope when their is none with any form of religion.

There are now only 5 nations on the world left without a Rothschild controlled central bank:

  • Iran 
  • North Korea 
  • Sudan 
  • Cuba
  • Libya

The Bilderberg Mafia

  • Walton family — Walmart — $152 billion
  • Koch family — Koch Industries — $99 billion
  • Mars family — Mars — $90 billion
  • Van Damme, De Spoelberch, de Mevius — Anheuser-Busch Inbev — $54 billion
  • Dumas family — Hermes — $49 billion
  • Wertheimer family — Chanel — $46 billion
  • Ambani family — Ambani conglomerate — $43 billion
  • Quandt family — BMW — $43 billion
  • Cargill MacMillen family — Cargill — $42 billion
  • Boehringer, von Baumbach — Boehringer Ingelheim pharma - $42 billion

 Five of the most powerful families that control the world today.

  • The Rothschild Family. 
  • The Rockefeller Family. ...
  • The Morgan Family. ...
  • The DuPont Family. ...
  • The Bush Family...

The money program/ Satanic bloodline / Illuminati 
  • 1. The Astor Bloodline
  • 2. The Bundy Bloodline
  • 3. The Collins Bloodline
  • 4. The DuPont Bloodline
  • 5. The Freeman Bloodline
  • 6. The Kennedy Bloodline
  • 7. The Li Bloodline
  • 8. The Onassis Bloodline
  • 9. The Rockefeller Bloodline
  • 10. The Russell Bloodline
  • 11. The Van Duyn Bloodline
  • 12. The Merovingian Bloodline
  • 13. The Rothschild Bloodline Germany
we have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives human beings are its prisoners the predator is our Lord and Master it is rendered as docile helpless if we want to protest it suppresses our protest if we want to act independently it demands that we don't do so indeed we are held prisoner they took us over because we are food to them and they squeezed us mercilessly because we are their sustenance just as we rear chickens in coops the Predators rear us in human coops human arrows therefore their food is always available to them think for a moment and tell me how you would explain the contradiction between the intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of belief or the stupidity of his contradictory behavior.

 There was a time when people bought their homes interest free and affordable to who ever had the ambition to be a home owner that is until the corrupt central bank officials, lobbyists bought the people who were elected to look out for the people making decision based on the interest of all yes folks there was a time when politicians worked for the people,  were of the people and stood with the people.

The politicians who now come into the political arena are only there to make money and not represent there constituents who elected them because majority of them are businessmen, business women who owe their allegiances to local commerce chambers and business interests. These people come with big bucks to fund their campings compared to say a regular forty hour working Joe.

The entire structure is like spiders web one connection serves the other to keep the whole web intact imagine a spiders web and you poke your finger through one area and cause damage to a chosen area.

Politicians-zones land for development

bankers- Loan money with interest to build infrastructure

developers-Borrow money to build businesses, homes and infrastructure

Lawyers-The middle man to sign papers for a 'fee' more like a bullocks deep ram where the sun don't shine

Tax Payer-Borrows money to buy home

Shit sure does flow down hill Average 1970s home price approximately $27,000 here in Canada and the USA compared to todays an average $500.000 that is an average of about $10.000 increase in price leading up to today.


Earth Frequency


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