In Search Of the Holy Language

So much money, effort, and dreams has gone into SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) to receive a signal or an indication that someone else is out there. But suppose the world has already been contacted by God in a way that is so supernatural that it has become a religion or maybe intended to be a religion to show us the way to a science that is beyond imagining. Some may still think it's a signal we should be listening for, but what if evidence can be brought forth that strongly indicates that it has already been given to us here on Earth many centuries ago by our creator — God Himself — termed “The Holy Language”. This is an original language and alphabet that has now permeated its way into being part of all known dialects that are used in the world today. All three books by Author Anita Meyer go into elaborate lengths to show how this language and its alphabet has still been the same throughout the centuries (but has been guised). It is more than just a language that uses grammar or syntax, and it is more than a language that theoretically started from primitive apelike beings making grunts and coos.

Then at a specific culminating point in the book the reader will be introduced and shown how these “original” individual alphabetical letters reveal themselves as the result of nature's guiding force, a mathematically expanding unit and growth pattern which adheres not only to our Earth, but the Universe at large. These same alphabetical letters also happened to be given by the finger of God Himself, which was recorded in the Bible. Moreover the Hebrew letters are also based on the science of frequency, sound (vibration), and the creative power that it has over ALL the forces of creation both good and bad.

To illustrate this 3D dimensional view, we need to take a bendable wire and bend it in the shape of the Hebrew letter B that is illustrated in #1 below, which is also the very first letter of the Hebrew Torah. Then take another wire (illustrate in red) and spiral it around the Hebrew letter B using 3 distinct spirals - starting out small, getting a little bigger, and then furling out. This is the Fibonacci sequence that feeds into the Golden Ratio.

When this ONE form is held in the hand and turned around in all different directions (from one's point of view) we catch sight of other Hebrew letters, and, as it turns out, perfectly produce every single letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Below we see the Hebrew letters that are copied from the Torah in small white boxes, and the black spiral form illustrating its matching shape. (Fig 2)

There is no other writing in the world that produces its entire alphabet from a single spiral form, which in turn is a construct of nature’s law - a mathematical unit of growth known as the Fibonacci sequence that feeds into the Golden Ratio!

When the readers witness this proof there will be no denying that this alphabet is indeed something of divine origin. When the full effect of the book has worked its course and taken hold, Darwinism along with the Theory of Evolution will be completely abolished, science will be redirected, and a new religious perspective will take hold.

In addition to this, the book goes on to dig further for the truth and unearths secrets woven deeply within the infrastructure of science, religion and spirituality, secrets that touch the hearts and minds of all of us, even the atheist.

All three books are filled with numerous illustrated photos, diagrams and charts. The books not only reveal this greatest mystery of the Hebrew letters but they go on to talk about so much more. They talk about the Theory of Evolution; the microcosmic relationship between nature and God; Egypt’s secrets regarding the Great Pyramid and the star constellations; sacred symbols of esoteric origins; dimensional insights into understanding Kabala;

The Bible Codes; Prophesy both past and present; Biblical foreknowledge. Moreover God’s 3-part nature the Trinity is found in the very first three letters of the Hebrew Torah (Genesis 1:1).

In addition, the readers will also be privy to witness how the very first paragraph of Genesis 1:1 equates to Phi/Pi (3.14). You will also see how the Great Pyramid of Egypt is linked to the Hebrew letters and a great many other things. The theory of “Time Travel” is also discussed at length, and truly so much more in-depth information.

By: Anita Meyer

This article was published in the June 2016 issues of Ancient Mysteries International.
It is Printed here with Permission. Permission is granted to quote brief passages by journalists and reviewers.
It is printed here in cooperation with Ancient Mysteries International.

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