THE GETTING AHEAD BRAIN PROGRAM Earth Frequency .... To keep you in perpetual debt is the goal of a corporation and if you ain't in debt than your not a good citizen that seems to be the case now days. Car payments, mortgages, credit card payments etc is modern day slavery in the concrete jungles which most of us call home certainly most sleepels don't see it as slavery their perception is getting ahead. Get ahead. What does that mean? Maybe back in the 50's that term was appropriate as most people can attain home ownership without having to sacrifice their human experience to a lifetime of debt slavery how ever today the term "getting ahead" is not tangible as most people will not be home owners and continue to be slaves to the 'landlord' who themselves are slaves to the banking mafia. The days of retiring at 65 seems to be a fairy tale since most people need three full time jobs where both parents work fourteen hours a day just to ...