The Rothschild’s & Their Subsidiaries Own Planet Earth

Rothschilds & their Subsidiaries Own Planet Earth? No surprise there. WHAT MUST AMERICANS ~ KNOW ~ IN ORDER TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN? Here is what MOST Americans are unfortunately practically TOTALLY ignorant of: “Jew”-ish control over Western Civilization including ALL it’s primary institutions! It may seem like a terrible revelation at first ~ but, once you accept the REALITY of it, based upon historical FACTS ~ you get over it, and move past the “horrible” aspect of it. ALL ~ the information anyone requires to KNOW why the world (and especially AMERICA) is the way that it is ~ is readily available on the Internet. Yet, how many WHITE, CAUCASIAN (non-“Jew”-ish) AMERICANS of NW European Descent (especially “Leftists” & ZION-IST “Christians”) KNOW the following: #1 The “Society of Jesus” (Jesuits) was created by “Marrano” or “Converso” “Jews” from Spain, in 1540 AD. Secretly-practicing “Jews” gained total control over the Vatican, by 1540 AD! (NOTE: Prior to about 1500 AD, it was considered a SIN by the Vatican (punishable by ex-communication) for anyone to charge INTEREST (USURY) on a loan! Gee, I wonder what changed?) #2 Jesuit -trained Ingolstadt Professor Adam Weishaupt created and rolled out, the “Order of the Illuminati” (May 1, 1776) in order to HIJACK Speculative FREEMASONRY (est. 1717, London) FROM THE TOP, for the Rothschilds. By 1811, the Rothschild name appears in the official membership list of Freemasonry. #3 Mayer Amschel [Bauer] Rothschild became the financier to William IX of Hesse-Kassel in 1789. A “Jew” was now in control of a GOVERNMENT’S money-supply. (William IX of Hesse-Kassel inherited a fortune, when his Father Frederick II earned about 5 million British pounds from renting Hessian mercenaries to England in it’s war against the American Colonies ~ a nearly unheard of sum at that time. Rothschild now administered this fortune & had major influence over Hesse-Kassel’s finances.) #4 In AD 1815 as Napoleon was losing the Battle of Waterloo, Nathan Mayer Rothschild essentially took a controlling position on the London Stock Exchange. In that same year, the British Pound surpassed the French Franc as the reserve currency of Europe. The British Pound would maintain this position for the next 105 years. #5 In the 1820’s, the Rothschilds became “Bankers to the Vatican” (& to the “Jew”-ish-controlled Jesuits). Think of this as a “JEW”-ISH CORPORATE MERGER and consolidation of power & control. #6 COMMUNISM is a “Jew”-ish creation. It was created by Moses Hess & Karl Marx (& Friedrich Engels). 1/4 “Jew” Lenin, and “Jew” Leon Trotsky ~ both FREEMASONS & COMMUNISTS ~ were FINANCED by Western ZIONIST “Jews” Jacob Schiff, and Paul & Max Warburg. The newly formed “Bolshevik” government in 1917 in Russia, was at least 72-82% “Jew”-ish in composition, with at least 265 of those “Jews” hailing from the Lower East Side of Manhattan! According to Nobel Laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, some 66 MILLION Russians (mostly ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS ~ Peasants ~ and Nobles ~ were SLAUGHTERED by these “Jews”, between 1917 and 1953. #7 ZIONISM is a “Jew”-ish creation. Its creation is attributed to Theodor Herzl (1897). It is a “Jew”-ish RACIST, SUPREMACIST IDEOLOGY. It was during this same era that we had the orchestration of events that led up to WWI, and WWII, which enriched the Western International Central Bankers immensely, and assisted them toward their goal: SUPPOSEDLY A “HOMELAND” FOR THE “JEWS”(!) in Palestine. However, what the creation of Rothschild-Israel (est. 1948 in Palestine) REALLY was, was the establishment of a NATION-STATE totally in the hands of the predominantly “Jew”-ish Western International Central Bankers and their “Committee of 300″ “globalist” Allies and legions of ZIONIST, COMMUNIST, & FREEMASONIC minions, primarily in the ‘City’ of London. How many WHITE, CAUCASIAN MEN & WOMEN, OF NW EUROPE & OF NW EUROPEAN DESCENT (INCLUDING AMERICAN SOLDIERS, AND GERMAN SOLDIERS AND CIVILIANS, WERE KILLED IN WWI AND WWII? Conservative estimate: 106 MILLION. Yet, the “Jews” constantly cry ALLIGATOR TEARS! over the vastly-exaggerated “6 MILLION” “Jews” reported (falsely) to have been “gassed” and “exterminated” in their nearly-completely fabricated HOLLOW HOAX! (Read THE HOLOCAUST HOAX EXPOSED: DEBUNKING THE 20TH CENTURY’S BIGGEST LIE, by Victor Thorn, available for a mere $25 on Texe Marrs’ website! What a bargain. $25 for the TRUTH about the most massive hoax of the 20th Century!) #8 All the “liberal” causes are “Jew”-ish in origin. Primary among them: Political correctness. (Feminism is also a “Jew”-ish creation. Gloria Steinem, Betty Freidan ~ “Jew”-esses. “Jews” created the NAACP. Do your own investigation, and you’ll see.) #9 All of the following are part of the Western “elite” TECHNOCRATIC “Jew” World Order AGENDA: “Gun Control”, “Global Warming” – oops! – “Climate Change”, “War on Terror”, “War on Drugs”. 5G “INTERNET OF THINGS”! “Gun Control” is to dis-arm the masses of Americans to totally subjugate them to the Western “elite” “Jews”. “Climate Change” or “Global Warming” is the brain-child of the CLUB OF ROME, one of the FRONT ORGANIZATIONS of the “COMMITTEE OF 300″, the “CROWN CORPORATION” of the ‘City’ of London (Rothschilds/Rhodes’/Milner Roundtable Groups). The “War on Terror” is a pre-planned effort on the part of a) CENTRAL BANKING, b) BIG OIL, c) WEAPONS MANUFACTURERS, & d) CIA/MI6/MOSSAD & the PENTAGON ~ to wage a never-ending war, for profit & total control. The “War on Drugs” is equally a total sham, because the Western “elites” originally became so rich due to the BRITISH OPIUM TRADE WITH CHINA, under the British East India Company. The TOO-BIG-TO-FAIL BANKS, behind the BIS/IMF/World Bank/ECB/”Federal” “Reserve”/SWIFT Payment System (like HSBC, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs) ~ LAUNDER the proceeds! The House of Saud was placed in power by the ‘City’ of London & MI6. The “28 Pages” blaming SAUDi Arabia for 9/11 is clearly ‘the West’ throwing their PROXY, Saudi Arabia, under the bus, very conveniently, and completely ignoring the TRUTH, which is that the blame for 9/11 rests squarely with the CIA/MOSSAD. (ISRAEL IS NOTHING BUT A PROXY, TOO!) Who do you suppose is behind the OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER OF THE UNITED STATES allowing the entry into the U.S., of CHEAP LABOR from Mexico? Why do you suppose they are constantly demonizing PUTIN, and Russia, as somehow having “hacked” the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election? RUSSIA is a RESOURCE-RICH country. Putin kicked out the “Gang of Eight” (“Jew”-ish BANKERS & Industrialists) who formerly controlled Russian Banking and Industry, such as GAZPROM. Putin nationalized these critical industries, and sent the Billionaire “Jews” either to jail, or running for their lives (in exile). How does SHILL-ary Clinton fit into all of this? Remember MENA, ARKANSAS, mid-1980’s. Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas. G.H.W. Bush was Vice-President under Reagan. (G.H.W. Bush was also former Director of the CIA, and CLEARLY IMPLICATED IN THE JFK ASSASSINATION, of Nov. 22, 1963.) CIA Pilot, Barry Seal was transporting guns to the Contras in Nicaragua, from the MENA, ARKANSAS AIRPORT, and on the return flight, transporting COCAINE into the U.S., for distribution in American cities. All under the watch of G.H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton ~ the two primary lackeys of the CIA/CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), which answers to CHATHAM HOUSE formerly the Royal Institute for International Affairs in the ‘City’ of London(!) #10 On Dec. 23, 1913, the so-called “Federal” “Reserve” Act was quietly passed through Congress while most in Congress had already gone home for Christmas. (“Jew”) Paul WARBURG, of the 16th Century Venetian “Del Banco” family is among the co-creators of the “Federal” “Reserve” (who met in secret on Jekyll Island, GA, in 1910). Wait a sec. What, exactly, is a descendant of a 16TH CENTURY (1500’s) Venetian “Del Banco” family doing co-creating the so-called “Federal” “Reserve” in AMERICA, in 1913? !! Good question, eh? #11 ~ 90% of those who call themselves “Jews”, today, are ASHKENAZI-KHAZARS, who are descended from YIDDISH-speaking people from Eastern Europe, who have ~ NOTHING ~ WHATSOEVER ~ to do with the ancient HOLY LAND of the Bible (neither in the FAUX holy land of ancient Palestine, or in the TRUE HOLY LAND: Ancient Britain!). #12 ~ How many Americans are aware of the now 1600(+) year DECEPTION of Roman Emperor Constantine, who transplanted the Old Testament (and New Testament) events which occurred in what we today call Britain, into the land of Palestine? (Read the STUNNING! evidence of Comyns Beaumont in his work: 1) BRITAIN: THE KEY TO WORLD HISTORY, and 2) THE GREAT DECEPTION: SYRIA, BRITAIN AND THE ROMAN CONSPIRACY. Also, read 3) THE BALTIC ORIGINS OF HOMER’S EPIC TALES, by Felice Vinci, and 4) ALBION & ZION UNITED: THE BRIZI/JEWZI WORLD MENACE, by Veronika Kuzniar! The TRUTH shall prevail. Still, humanity continues to rush headlong (somnambulently) over the cliff when all the info. they need is right there at their iPhone & iPad fingertips. When will we stop fighting all these wars for “Jew”-ish International Central Bankers and all their allied “globalists”? When will we print our UNITED STATES NOTES through the U.S. Treasury, and by-pass the so-called “Federal” “Reserve”? When will we STOP FUNDING THE TECHNOCRATIC “JEW” WORLD ORDER?


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