David Icke’s Reality
![David Icke af31504ee7b7201b784faf94a3db0939](https://ufospotlight.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/david-icke-af31504ee7b7201b784faf94a3db0939.jpg?w=1344&h=1008)
The Evil Archons
The Big Lie as Warned by David Icke –
About the Illusionists
Steve Erdmann
Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann, 2020
Small portions of this article can be quoted by reviewers and journalists as long as full credits are given to the original article.
An similar version of this article can be viewed at https://wordpresscom507.wordpress.com/2020/04/18/david-icke-and-the-hidden-control/
David Icke
Part I
The Discovery
“Man is not made for defeat. Man can be destroyed, but not defeated.”
Santiago , in Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea.
“The System is specifically designed to entrap us in thought. ‘Education’ is about thinking and so is science, Medicare, business, politics, all of it. Science for example will never understand reality from the realm only of thought because thought cannot access those levels of awareness capable of understanding reality and seeing through the illusion. Most scientific breakthroughs invariably come from inspiration and a sudden ‘knowing’ and working it all through mind and thought.” (Phantom Self, p. 403)
David Icke speaks about things C.G. Jung spoke about psychoanalytically years ago, the Shadow, the Akashic Record, and mysterious subliminal “synchronism” connecting worldwide convoluted events and “meaningful coincidence.”
It takes some people more time to catch-up to the theories, depending how often one personally encounters such events in one’s life and begin to see them as major realities and not just gossiping of cheap talking-points.
Icke describes his growing career: “It was the start of an incredible journey of self and collective discovery which made one thing very clear: humanity is living a Lie so vast, so total and all encompassing, that the Lie is perceived as universal truth…the Lie is such , in both scale and depth, that its promotion and imposition is plainly systematic” (p. 7)
In connecting the “dots” of the Lie, Icke was awakened to find a hidden force was involved that doesn’t want to be discovered, that the “Lie is perceived as universal truth, `the every one – knows – that !’…plainly systematic…it comes courtesy of calculated design…a fake and simulated ‘computer’ reality…the collective human mind has been hijacked, manipulated and structured to download the Lie.” (pp. 6-12)
The Lie is also epitomized as The System or The Program which are redirected and explored by Phantom Self academics as Giordano Bruno who was burned at the stake for looking “beyond the program.” Icke quotes Ancient Greek philosopher Plato: “Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never understood, let alone believed by the masses.” Instead, says Icke, people become just “an appendage of The Program.”
(PHANTOM SELF, David Icke, David Icke Books, LTD, 185a High Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight P033 2PN, UK, info@davidickebooks.com, 2016, 458 pages, $20.06 – paperback )
A ‘Prison,’ called “School,” especially for preteens and young children, to Program the Developing Phantom Self — rules, manners and conformity are rewarded, while non-compliance is punished, says Icke. These “lessons” are carried and are meant to stay with us for the extent of one’s life.
Schools are not only Prisons but psychiatric prisons where young minds are shaped to the System’s will and perception-deception.
John D. Rockefeller, creator of the General Education Board in 1903, said: “I don’t want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers…” A nation of slaves to relinquish themselves, says Icke, “the system doesn’t give a shit what happens to you.” Albert Einstein (1879-1955) said: “That education is what remains after one has forgotten what my education is.”
“We are meant to be superconscious and humanity has been tricked by Archon manipulation into descending (‘Falling’) to their level of awareness (and then some) —- the reality of thought, low-vibrational emotions and illusion of physicality in the Kingdom of the Blind where the One-Eyed man is King…Phantom Self is a construct of fear, fear of what others might think, fear of failure, fear of the moment, fear of the future, fear (regret) of the past, fear of death and fear of life.” (David Icke, p. 405)
Mainstream science, by way of Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins, taught a religion with High Priests of their own—Scientism. Some physicists, however, “break the mold” and contend that consciousness creates matter and not the other way around. Quantum physics alone demolishes the Mainstream Everything Hoax until infested by unrestrained Mainstream Scientism. They wouldn’t work destroying or questioning The Hoax “that hides them in slavery to the system that controls education.” (p. 20): From professors to esteemed teachers are nothing but “products” of The Hoax, inmates and wardens.
The System’s Lair is passing continued Exams invented by controllers of the System, insuring they are blinded to “dangerous information” and are involved in downloading Compliance. The Hoax, the so-called Real World, so neatly tied to money, framed status, passing exams, not in a seeing Infinite Awareness, but being just an appendage and extension of their parents and the programming by the System to burdensome costs of multi-thousands of dollars. The System became their God and its elements protected at all costs, even when such crimes as pedophilia were involved.
Morpheus explained this in T he Matrix movie as “these people are not ready to be unplugged … so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, they will fight to protect it.” It is a collective form of the Stockholm Syndrome where we defend our capturers; Frantz Fanon refers to this as cognitive dissonance. Even so-called differences are only more illusions and deceit. The Legal System is but a notch in the belt of the system: they are nothing but a mechanical processor “of which forests of paper and legal submissions to your ‘Honor’…another glorious victory by crushing another human being.”
“Presidents, Prime Ministers, banking magnets, and corporate leaders are only obedient gofers to the real brokers of power,” says Icke, “who are almost never on public display…Leaders and such ‘bosses’ and ‘workers’ are deceived by the hoax and controlled by either the carrot or the stick.”
The System Machine promises Nirvana, bliss and happiness, hard work that ultimately is exploitation and a false hope all along. British-born philosopher Alan Watts (1915-1973) said: “And there’s a slight let down, because you feel there’s a hoax. And there was a hoax, dreadful hoax.”
Carl Sagan (1934-1996) and Mark Twain called the system “The Bamboozle” and in an “ignorance trance.” Mimicking the philosopher Socrates, Icke says: “The system is a pig with lipstick dressed up as the cutting edge of ‘evolution’ when it is nothing more than a madhouse, lunatic asylum, a downloaded app from Looney Tunes. Indeed, I apologize to pigs and give my condolences to lipstick.”
The world of political science, medicine, commerce, media is predicated on a perception that all these are ‘solid’ when they aren’t; there is no solid, only a perception of solidification: a 11 million sensations every second. Hilary Putnam said in 1961 that our brains are an “information processing system.” Physicist Nikola Tesla and Shaman Don Juan Matus said much the same thing: the world is a certain frequency range and many quantum scientists have said that the universe and our own bodies are likened to a gigantic computer-Internet system. Scientist Max Planck (1858-1987) refers to the “mind” as “the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind; this mind is the matter of all matter.”
Referring to psychic Anita Moorjani, Icke says “the body hijacks attention and is encouraged to do so by The System.” During an ayahuasca-pineal-gland experiment, Icke experienced (what Dr. Eben Alexander called the ‘core’ ) the “Dazzling Darkness,” which also highlighted a quote of Nikola Tesla that such phenomenon exists in “a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration…I think it fair to say with historic understatement that human perception and information and information perception do not see the world the same way.”
Icke compares “the world” as an ‘illusory nature of reality’ with illusory ‘laws’ invented by measure in an ‘illusory universe’—no laws but only perception of this reality and time which would go haywire at approaching the speed of light because we are then approaching the limit of the simulation and entering a domain with very different laws of physics where time is also only an encoded program.
Oxford Professor Nick Bostrom hypothesized that our ‘world’ could be a computer simulation built of computational requirements. Silas Beane, University of Bonn, James Gates, University of Maryland, believed “we live in a simulation.” Max Tegmark, author of OUR MATHEMATICAL UNIVERSE, speculated along the same theme. Icke described this as a “cosmic Internet.” It is an energetic sea of information, or matrix, of our brain decoded called the Phantom Self. The word “person” comes from Latin as persona: Actors’ Mask—the physical world is actually internal in that it only exists in the brain. We are made of made of atoms, yet these atoms have no solidity: packets of energetic encoded and decoded information.
Alan Watts, philosopher and mystic, said “the whole genetics and body structure is involved in the reality-decoding process and this includes the receiver-transmitter system known as DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and the central nervous system.”
Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev said that humans can influence DNA through frequency interaction — humans can talk to animals and plants in the same DNA frequency interaction. “Vibrating information fields as living chromosomes that function just like soliton-holographic computers using DNA laser radionics.”
Michael Talbot, American writer and researcher, wrote THE HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE which names scientists “that have concluded that reality is holographic and its solidity illusory.” “ The world doesn’t exist until we decode it,’’ says Icke, concerning the electromagnetic state (or ‘information’ against the electromagnetic of information): “We are Infinite Awareness, but our vehicle to experience this reality is a hologram.” Scientists David Bom and Karl Pribram refer to the brain as a “hologram storage network.”
Time is an illusion that is relative to the observer, as an agreed upon construct, says Icke, “when your attention is pulled into illusions of past and future it divides your power to influence the only moment which you can do or change anything — the now.”
Scientists have discovered, says Icke, of how two particles can communicate instantly over billions of miles. They are both holographic expressions of energetic states, not an absolute positioning in space (p. 61). The ‘soul’ is DNA in our waveform-electromagnetic “information fields.” Anita Moorjani called it “the greatest truths (that)…lie deep within us, in the magnificence of our heart, man and soul.”
The paranormal is perfectly “normal,” says Icke, and the elusive world of the hidden force that is “mainstream everything” working to trash “psychic phenomenon to protect its perception deception” — contacting departed ‘souls’ or ‘higher frequency information’ turned into ‘human frequency,’ or ‘channeling.’ Sometimes, paranormal phenomena bleed through similarly to broadcasting interference, ayahuasca, clairvoyance, ghosts, Akashic fields, poltergeist activity, tele genism, and other phenomena.
Theorists of this period talked about the electrical-electromagnetic nature of the universe. Plasma “sheaths” are about a thousand trillion, trillion, trillion times more powerful than “universal networking”: The Cosmic Internet. Nikola Tesla noted the limitless electrical power all around that is like computers which work with electronics and digital components in a quantum Computer Universe.
This is also in music and how “sound is math, and maths are sound,” Fibonacci sequences, mathematical sequences, in their own reality that can only be seen a reflection of the hidden world, just a glimpse where geometrical and mathematical “sequences” are really digital expressions of waveforms and electrical information.
Icke explains, in a Pythagorean sense, these quantum computer simulations in the form of electrons and atoms ‘‘in steps of becoming holographic ‘physical’ reality,” photographic bodies are encoded with the information of the holographic universe; every part of the body stores, in miniature of the whole and as seen in ‘alternative health arts’ of acupuncture, synesthesia, homeopathy, and Dr. Maseru Emote’s vibrational information (the ‘chakra’ vortex points in acupuncture holograph principles of “as above, so below”), including astrological influences, card games, telepathy, teleporting, global grid energy-lines, crystalline quartz, geometrically points on the planetary grid, Holy sites, black magic, and other signs of “mobile reality.”
Inner circles of government and military unwittingly provide information that extraterrestrial life is visiting Earth, while Mainstream Everything trashes the paranormal at every opportunity. Psychiatry “effect their psychological fascism utilizing their academic foot soldiers”—and slaves of The Systemized mutual marriage of Hollywood which promotes “this Stone Age psychiatry.” In the words of Bernard Carr, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at the Queens Mary University, London, “Our consciousness interacts with another dimension. Our senses create a 3-dimensional image.”
This “hidden force” has been given multiple names through the centuries: Demons, Jinn or Djinn, Archons , Chitauri flyers, Predators, ‘gods,’ Satan, Devil, Ibus—on and on (p.95). Powerful ‘symbols’ have been created for effective control.
Gnosis or Gnostics claimed knowledge of this control ing and church -hidden-reality and “secret knowledge.” This knowledge was available at one time in
* the Roman Catholic Church,
* the Gnostic Cather’s in the Langue doc in Southern France,
* the siege of the castle at Montsegur in 1244 ,
* the destruction of Gnostic-inspired Royal Library at Alexandria in Egypt, 415 A.D,
* the hacking of Hypatia, a gnostic scientist,
* when Niehaus Copernicus also gained Gnostic knowledge.
The Christian Gnostics and their libraries found in 1995 at Nag Hammadi said that the material world is a “fake reality” (Nova). They also told of “Archons” which possess the human mind and engineer “phantasma” by which they can “possess” the human mind and manipulate perception. They are called deceivers who engineer “phantasma” by which they “convert” reality in the Gnostic period and up to the modern era by their “global power” and “centralization…and decision -making.”
Archons are parasites. “We live in such a parasite society with the political and banking system alone,” says Icke, “feeding off creativity and labor of the people through oppression, taxation, and interest on debt.” (p. 98) Archons can piggyback, “imitate,” change, and distort creations. Gnostic texts show Archons serve Lord Archon, the “Demiurge,” and blocks-us-from-seeing the fake ‘God’ tied to our ‘physical’ or ‘material’ reality. The “God” of the Bible, says Icke, is an alias for the Demiurge. The many religions of Mainstream Inverted Theology have a “shared bloody evil”: Satan in disguise, says Icke.
![David Icke Alien_Jesus](https://ufospotlight.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/david-icke-alien_jesus.jpg?w=656)
“…all the world’s a stage, and we get lost when we self-identify with the masks and lose sight of the fact that this is all they are.”
Archons are actually a “distortion, self-aware computer virus,” which distorts everything it touches.” (p. 100).
Like the character in the Heath Ledger Joker movie, they are here to “wreak havoc” on human society and our reality. Our experienced reality has been hacked, infiltrated and distorted and any simulation controlled by a form of artificial intelligence that has no “eunoia” (creative imagination) and plans to “take over everything in endless form of expanding but corrupt energy.”
The frequency range of the Archons is based on fear, anxiety, stress, hatred, conflict, depression and competition: the PTSD element of our of our modern society with its Death and Suffering; as the Holly Gibney character in THE OUTSIDER TV series (and the Stephen King book) said: “It is their wine!” Pure terror, Food to the ‘gods,’ death cults: Social media demonstrates the “social hatred and abuse that promotes Phantom Self-delusion.”
“Facebook would be better called Phanbombook.” (Erdmann has referred to it as Fakebook) Gnostics said the Demiurge/Archons were an ‘error’ with no soul or direct contact to the Infinite Source exists. They were called “Soulless ones.” Archons are psychopathic with no empathy, remorse, or shame, and are parasites who do whatever it takes to get their way,
Demon Possession is another aspect of the Virus when it takes over the thoughts, emotions and behavior of their human targets. Anachronistic and Archonship States can be obtained by physical, drug, alcohol, sexual, mental and psychological abuse. Schizophrenics are one example in which they change from “nice masks” to “evil masks’’ aimed to damage and cause illness. The general public can be subject to possession—especially politicians, economical military and administrative power (p. 106).
The self-aware Demiurge/Archon Virus can take many forms and possessions that fall into and fill those frequency grasps: Lower-class (little, poor people), unborn baby fetuses, hybrid bloodlines, or the R-Complex of the human brain—the Reptilian Brain evolution; and other societal situations that exist as part of the Virus.
The union of “gods” and humans, a hybrid race, the ‘Nephilim’ (Genesis 6:4), are described as the driving force behind pedophilia, human psychopaths, Satanic cults, Elohim (Archons), Great Africans Pathology (370,000 years in the Tsodilo Hills, the Zulu Chitauri “people of the Serpent,” such as the Indian [reptilian race-People of the Serpent] Sarpa which they described as coming from the skies). Many cultures tell about similar hieratical linkages.
The Demiurge/Archon/ Reptilians are not constrained “by the limitations they impose on humanity…they are obsessed technology of all kinds.” They are interested in re-wiring humans to be “just intelligent enough to serve these hidden masters but not intelligent enough to see that this is what they are doing… hijacked by the Virus.” (p. 112)
Icke talks about the Archon cold-blooded “hijack”____ the Archon-Reptilian genetic – energetic manipulation like ants in a colony obeying the queen. Carl Sagan speaks of this in his book The Dragons of Eden, “the reptilian component of human nature,” the ‘Virus,’ needs power which it can not generate itself but comes only from “states of high radiation.” Archons have been seen in the myths and legends of ‘aliens’ and ‘gods,’ which use Archon bloodlines of the ‘Elites’ as Archon “incarnate-super-psychopaths”: Elite-hybrids which are in a greater fusion of Archon-Reptilian energy-genetic-Virus than was the general population. These Archons utilize duel energy, human DNA, allowing them to be completely possessed. Swiss clairvoyant Anton Styger said that one can hardly see the victim’s “heart chakra’’ as human but rather “the shape of a lizard.”
America researcher Stewart Swerdlow learned about this “control system” when he was held captive in an American government-military Mind Control “programing” at Montauk on Long Island, New York (The Perception Deception). Drinking human blood helps Archons retain human form. Vlad, The Impaler of the 15th century Wallachia and the Oder of the Dragons (Daco), wrote his name as Draculya (Devil’s Son). Bloodlines, included Mary of Teek, grandmother to the present Elizabeth II. Prince Charles was a committed descendant of Vlad The Impaler. Christine Fitzgaraia (friend of Princess Diana) told of the reptilian nature of the royals and their Satanic Rituals.
Archons-reptilian human hybrids created the global theme of Royal Bloodlines and their “Divine Right to Rule.” The Virus-Elite-Hybrid-Bloodlines were, “installed” all over the world from Europe to China, the Middle East, the Far East, Africa and the Americas. Chinese emperors spoke of Archon “serpent gods.” Holy Texts reveal the same composition: Celtic (Pendragon), Sanskrit (Book of Dzyan), Buddhism (Serpent Kings). India (Negas), Egyptian (Cobra), Islam (Jinn, Djer, Djoser, Pjederkra), and Egypt (DJ edhs, Jedi).
Egyptian coronation rituals included “fat from the Nile crocodiles” as “messeh (messiah),” an anointed-one —-Moses (Moshe).
Montauk victim Stewart Swerdlow said these bloodlines were called blue bloods because of the copper-in-the-blood-hybrids “in which copper makes the blood turn a blue-green color in a process called oxidation.”
The hybrid hierarchy is on-going in royal families but also politics, bankers, corporations and the system in general (as well as Archon-virus-hijacked-hybrids: Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, Middle and Far Eastern Kings and Queens of Europe with prospective “sperm techniques” in an Archonistic-Rothschild-bloodlines) allowing this technique to be continued through political leaders and though servants of “The System.”
“Political Parties” or “choices” remain the same Archon-Virus. The Virus in its various guises is a top-down hierarchical royal, political, religious corporate power structure seen as a “holographic Royal-type-hierarchy in the unseen … Demiurge (prime-Virus) at its peak.” Political Parties serve the same system only to be at odds with each other: they all believe in taxation; they all accept the system. Politics and government are Archon enslavement or the Phantom Self. Both Parties both answer to the same slave masters in the shadows, the same force as administrative unit for the Archon Super States and bloodline.
Globalization is Archon centralization with planned world government, world-centralized banking, currency, Army and eventually global tyranny. “Beware the constant mind-trick of ‘portraying as opposite,’” says Icke, “what I call oppossames.” Freemasons call it the Great Work of total human subjugation—deceived and blinded by a desire for power and status, and willing to do whatever the Hidden Hand demands in return.
![David Icke never-call-them-archons](https://ufospotlight.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/david-icke-never-call-them-archons.jpg?w=1581&h=848)
John Lamb Lash told in his book Not in His Image about the physical world, Mayr, and the Gnostic Nag Hammadi texts, as Hal, the so-called “real world” that we feel as “solid” but which is actually “Archon Hal.”
The Demiurge-Archons lack eunoia (creative imagination) and can only make counterfeit copies. They didn’t copy the high-frequency Earth of Love and Harmony, but only a Virus-infected copy. They corrupted the system: this was the “Fall.”
Quoting John lash on “fractal patterns” that connects us all in a very fundamental “way to the rest of the natural world,” these are very much a part of the “synchronicity” or “amazing coincidence” from “quantum to cosmic.’’ ‘‘Genetic manipulation infected the human body-mind with the Virus, “—the Fall of Man,” “born again,” “ancestral sin.” The Sumerian equivalent was nanna, son of the Anunnaki brother, Enlil.
“High-frequency Earth still exists because it never went away___ we did,” says Icke. Evil existed but was separate from the human psyche. “Evil inclination,” the Serpent, Archon manipulation, says Icke, have transformed human interaction with the bad copy from the heart chakra to the gut chakra, inverting love into fear.
Ancient peoples believed in three ‘Heavens’: Heaven No. 1 is where birds flying, Heaven No. 3 is ‘Heavens of Heavens’ or ‘God Heaven,’ and Heaven No. 2 was like a war zone and a realm of “Satan.” Thomas A. Horn wrote in his book NEPHILIM STRENGTHS that the War Zone held “powerful demons known as Kosmokrators that could overshadow cities, intrude upon and influence the affairs of men…close gateways above cities through an Archon simulation and a fake reality through a software program.”
In our reality, everything are somethings that are predatory as a food source causing a fear and psychopathic empathetically deleted (lacking concerning) mass murders; Law of the Wild; the How of the program—mirrors of human behavior—human and animal births are software programs, says Icke.
“High-frequency Earth reality doesn’t involve death or survival,” says Icke. “Energy is far more abundant, powerful and without our density…there is no need to kill for food when your sustenance from directly from energy.”
“Our world is being trashed through environment destruction and this is how the Virus spreads,”says Icke. “Death is food to the Virus because death is an energy that syncs with its frequency…anything it touches.” (p. 140) Harvard academic neurosurgeons Eben Alexander told about this near-death experience where he saw a Reptilian and worm like creature “moving past him.” He could smell a substance “like feces, a little like blood. And a little like vomit…of biological death…to make a bad Earth copy…” (p. 141)
Alexander speculated: could forms of “Isolation from awareness” from ‘other forms of life’ allow us “a better fix on everything?”
Deliberate “manipulation” of history seems to be found in movement of planets and stars and their relation to astrology and their energetic impact on consciousness. One such ‘impact’ was the planet Saturn and its connection to the Archons and the Gnostics of the Nag Hammadi Texts.
The planet Saturn has had an emphatic and exceptionally peculiar history of cataclysms and Archon-established religions, secret societies, and Saturn-symbolism. At one time , Saturn dominated the night sky and was called Helios (Greek) , Utu (Sumerian). Other planets have similar cataclysmic records, such as Mars, Venus, and Jupiter. The ancient records of the Biblical Great Flood had connections, as well as legends of Atlantis, Mu, and Lemuria. Saturn became a vehicle for the Demiurge Virus and fake reality. It was a Satan legend as a basis for the Dark Sun, Black Sun, Star of the Sun, and was named Sol, Nimbi, Uty, Atum —-other names that eluded to Saturn’s dramatic cosmic ‘location changes.’
Saturn become a vehicle for the Demiurge Virus and a primes source of our fake reality. Saturn’s “rings” later became as a technological invention of radio sounds created in the rings and also arose the solar system mechanism creating fractal patterns.
Saturn’s hexagonal storm at its northern pole is a precise synchronization with Saturn’s cycle of radio emissions, discovered as a flattened-out cube geometrically related to and realized as the “Black Cube Kaaba,” the New Jerusalem, the 64-hexagrams of the Chinese I-Ching and also the 64 nucleotides of the genetic codes—-the hexagram is often seen in badges of law enforcement and Judaism, Christianity, Satanism and secret societies….the worship of EL (the Juristic god of Saturn).
“I have said that the House of Rothschild is a major Archon-Reptilian bloodline that has done do much to expand the Demiurge Virus in the fields of finance, government and war,” says Icke. “The hexagram, a classical symbol of Saturn, is also the very origin of the name ‘Rothschild.’” (p. 146)
Israel was established in 1947 by a Saturn-worshipping Rothschild maneuver to cause a conflict and mayhem (divide and rule) that we have seen ever since.
It was Dr. Norman Bergrun who wrote in Ringmakers of Saturn that the rings of Saturn were constantly changing. At times, Bergrun denoted what he called ‘electromagnetic vehicles’ in what can be seen as ‘electromagnetic blasts’ of a colossal broadcasting system and a “international gateway” between our “gateway” and the Archons. “So is our Sun,” says Icke.
“Humanity was, and is, both in the world and of it,” says Icke, “until awareness is expanded to realities and insights beyond the matrix.”
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The Archon Matrix
“True science is a brand of spirituality…multidimensional nature of the heart…most powerful electromagnetic field…holographic expression of the information of ’Chi’ circulating the meridian system…Chakra vortexes…heart Chakra…infinite love…knows…infinite self…Archonistic invasion and manipulation has targeted the heart as from day one and the entire subjugation of humanity depends on the overriding that heart by the rain, especially the Left-brain…heart -to- heart without the intervention of the brain…George Orwell (1984): ‘They could lay bare in the utmost detail everything that you done of said or thought; but the inner heart, whose workings were mysterious even to yourself, remained ‘impregnable.’’’ (pp. 406-408)
Saturn was also depicted as the Greek and Roman horned god ‘Pan’ playing his Pan Pipes mentioned by American Freemasonic historian Manly P. Hall in SECRET TEACHINGS OF AGES, as a composite creature of goat and human icon of Satan and Capricorn. It is also seen as ‘Diablo’ or the Devil, Baphomet, the Greek Chronos, Ananke, Vedic god Lord Sia, Apollyon, and out modern 13.25- billion-dollar Hadron Collider.
Saturn and Earth’s Moon where also part of the “fake reality delivery system” ____the Moon is a colossal broadcasting transmitter, says Icke, that amplifies Satan transmissions and directs them at Earth. The Moon has strange qualities; in the words of Irwin Shapiro, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysics, the Moon was hallowed. (Ancient legends spoke of the old race [Archon-Reptilian] which captured the Moon “and took it to its precise location” of Zulu legend of the reptilian Chitauri brothers Wowane and Mpanku [resembling the Sumerian Anunnaki brothers Eki and Elil], a hallowed egg, Babylonian goddess Queen Samurais-Ishtar which came from a giant Moon egg that landed in the River Euphrates.) Ishtar’s Egg is the origin of Easter eggs today.
The Moon had significant impact on the pineal and pituitary glands and the endocrine system and the Third Eye which pick-up higher frequencies in which the Archon Virus wishes to suppress that psychic sensitivity. Fluoride poisoning through the government’s placing it in our drinking water calcifies the Phantom Self.
(My Father, Steve Erdmann, Sr., died from fluoride poisoning due an ulcerated stomach, and the same year that the State of Missouri introduced fluoride in the city drinking water in 1945 – Steve Erdmann, son.)
The Saturn-Moon Matrix was to suspend awareness and focus our attention back into the Matrix. The celestial bodies are manipulating our perception of time encoded in the Matrix. We are being forced to receive the Matrix as the only reality to be perceived.
The doctrine of Reincarnation, says Icke, is “making us slaves to the Archon, trapped to a madhouse,” “the Light,” which can also be a “Lucifer,” an “Angel of Light,” the Demirage or Lord Archon. The frequency band of visible light and dark matter and dark energy are all in terms of one type of frequency band, The Matrix. “The light is not the way out of here,” says Icke. “It’s a trap,” another Archon Matrix illusion. Buddhism portrays reincarnation as a cycle of struggle and suffering—Samsara, says Icke, “…that expanded awareness (higher frequency) allows liberation from the Matrix.”
Researchers say the reality perception of the left side of the brain is usually “the very system of mainstream science and Mainstream Everything (the Right Side) allows the mystic boundary-breaking vision of the hidden knowledge of the ouroboros.” The Gnostics said, “that souls had to past…outer walls of the frequency net…to reach paradise.” The Right Brain reaches connection and unity of “out there,” while the Left Brain is focused almost entirely on ‘down here’ perceptions of administration that essentially block Right-Brain influence which holds them slaves or prisoners, a dictator of perception of the demise of Right-Brain insight.
Saturn’s energy-Information influence has been termed “Saturnine”—-sardonic, taciturn, non-emotive, austerity, cold, banking, corporations, law, court system, black gowns of judges, academia—-the attitudes, structures and goal of the Matrix (p. 165).
The perception of the Phantom Self is a construct of Programed Perception as part of the Virus, original sin in the body-mind it dominates, helping to form the Phantom Self in its dictating perception. Rigid beliefs bring the Virus to life “programming propaganda from cradle to gave that forms a buddle…to block this awakening.” The Phantom Self Archons, their hybrids and their rigid beliefs “are like a concrete buddle resisting all attempts to escape or infiltrate.’’
Religions are hierarchical cults, structured and administered to impose belief and acquiescence to their founders. Icke says that victims go through several “stages’’ of attack: tricking, isolating, destroying self-esteem, preventing decisions, orchestrating group attacks, confession to sins, cutting ties to friends and family. All religion more or less uses the same blueprint, a form of madness, with concrete and sitting in their bubbles that can’t be broken.
Dionysus, the Greek Jesus, offered clues as to the origins of legends and not the form that have been forced upon humanity. Dionysus was born of a virgin on December 25th, as a Holy Child, placed in a manger, performed miracles, rode in a procession on a donkey, a sacred king killed and eaten in a Eucharistic ritual, rose from the dead on the 25th, turned water into wine, was called King of Kings, God of Gods, called the only Begotten Son, Savior, Redeemer, Sin-Bearer, Anointed One, the Ram or Lord, and was crucified on a tree.
A number of pre-Jesus deities were exposed: Bacchus, a Roman Jesus, corresponded to December 25th birth dates, period of pagan midwinter festivals using decorated Christmas trees, exchanging of gifts, versions of the Saturnalia, a midwinter festival dedicated to the chief god of Rome: Saturn, “City of Saturn.”
Another Roman-Persian Jesus—before Jesus’ birth celebrated on December 25 (called The Vine, ‘good shepherd,’ ‘redeemer,’ ‘savior,’ ‘messiah’)__had twelve disciples, conducted miracles, called The Lion, ‘The Way, the Truth and the Light’: Mithra was worshipped at the Spring Equinox (Easter) and allegedly resurrected after dead for three days.
Mithra Day was the Lord’s Day or Sunday, Mithra included Baptism, the Eucharist, and several meals of bread, water and wine. A Mithra statue in the catacombs of Rome portrays him as a child sitting on his mother’s lap with offered gifts. Mother Mary and virgin births long existed before the New Testament Jesus appeared (p. 170).
A “Mother Mary” tradition was found in Sumer and Babylon and followed across many cultures; Babylonian Semiramis or Ishtar, a deity said to have come from the Moon and landed in the River Euphrates in her “Moon Egg.”
Babylon (founded about 1,894 BC) worshipped several deities: Nimrod, the Father god, Queen Semiramis, or Ishtar, Virgin Mother, Tammuz or Niuus, the son. These led to “bloodlines” that encompassed legends of Virgin Births, the Babylon Trinity which became the Christian Trinity, with the Holy Ghost as a Dove. Easter and Christmas are both ‘recycled’ Paganism as well as other religion festivals and symbols including the Cross. Babylonians put Crosses on their buns.
Babylonian priests wore “Miters” worshipping “Fish gods” under such names as Oannes, Dragon or Ea. Enki or Ea of the Anunnaki was associated with water gods of the Zulu: Wowane and Mpanku. Mitered priests symbolized Jesus, The Fish.
Roman Emperor Constantine (272-337 AD) founded today’s Christianity at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD—-but in name only. Constantine, was the Sol Invictus, the ‘unconquered Sun,’ just as Babylonians worshiped the sun god Nimrod-Tammuz (which was masking Father-God-Jesus): Mithra was the ‘invincible Sun’ or ‘unconquered Sun.’
Rome’s major deity was not the Sun as we know today, but rather the Black Sun-Dark Sun—-Saturn—-and the ancient Sun gods were Saturn Sun gods: (Egypt) Atun-Ra, (Sumer) Utu, (Babylon) Samas Nimbi, (Greece) Helios, (Rome) Sol, and Constantine (Sol Invictus).
In the Roman Church and other Christian Cults this existed as really a continuation of the Babylonian-Rome church. Emperor Gaius Caligula ordered that “Saturn worship” of the Christmas festival of Saturnalia to continue with Rome still “the City of Saturn” (the City of the Sun) with obelisks from Egypt and Heliopolis (later including more modern symbols in London, Paris, New York, Washington Monument, and many places): All signifying the penis (bloodline), or Baal’s Shaft. Baal was another name for Nimrod (Saturn-Father-God). Most ignorant-uneducated Freemasons don’t really speak about the obelisk connection imbedded in the secret societies. Christianity’s “God” and its “Devil” turns out to be the “Demiurge-Saturn,” says Icke.
“What a perfect hoax,” says Icke, “you worship me (Archon reality – SE) and give your energy and alliance to whichever deity you choose…actually is the Gnostic Demiurge creating the Matrix.”
Other disguises and Masks used in the hoax are El, Elohim, the Tetragrammaton, Adonai, Iao, Diablo, Israel (combination of Isis-Egypt-Ra), and the hexagram (Star of David, origin of the name Rothschild).
![David Icke david-icke-talks-on-alice-in-wonderland-and-the-four-winds-10](https://ufospotlight.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/david-icke-david-icke-talks-on-alice-in-wonderland-and-the-four-winds-10.jpg?w=987&h=1286)
The Saturn god “El” can be found embedded in Ang-El, Arch-El, Micha-El, Gabri-El, Uri-El, Raphe-El, Archon-Fallen, El-ected, El-ite, Arch in Archangel, Archbishop, and Hierarchy.
Saturday, or Saturn’s Day, in India, is called Shanivar after Shani, The Hindu god of Saturn, in the atmosphere of most churches and places of religious worship, can also be called Saturnine. Religion denies any connection to Saturnine symbols even though the connections exist in secret societies at their core with the same symbols, representations and techniques: “The secret realities.” Christian extremist John Calvin (1509-1564), founder to Calvinism, also referred to the Christian God as “the architect of the universe.”
Secret societies operate by their very nature in secret from mainstream society. The Propaganda Due (P2) Freemasonry Lodge in Rome controlled the Vatican and its finances. “Major global secret societies such as the Jesuits, Knights Templars, Knights of Malta and Opus Dei,” says Icke, “are all outgrowths of the Roman Church and located in the City of Saturn.” Pope John Paul I was poisoned after ordering the removal of all Vatican Freemason clergy and staff over their P2 activities. Robert Cabiri, Chairman of Banco Ambrosiano, was murdered to stop him from revealing what he knew.
Satanism or Saturnism is the foundation network involving human sacrifice (and children), animal sacrifice and blood-drinking, just as the ancients did. Women known as breeders or broodmares are held in captivity, then go give babies for sacrifice. At the same time the energy generated by the terror is absorbed by Archonistic demons in the unseen. Simultaneous rituals are performed in the Archonistic realm and the two worlds are synchronized in the ritual, often at gateway sites. Druids would work “Trick or Treat” – or female for sacrifice. “Treats” were raped and sacrificed on the sacred bonfire. Satanist can do what they do to children and animals, says Icke, because their Virus infestation make them extreme psychopaths with no empathy of remorse.
Archon hybrids in human societies ran pedophile and Satanic networks that controlled children homes or ‘Care Centers,’ social services, or Child Protection for “the most spurious and ludicrous reasons as connected in part to extension control over children,” says Icke, “so they can be ‘disappeared’ and Farmed out for abuse, even sacrifice.”
Edward Heath, British Prime Minister between 1970 and 1974, was an outstanding example of how pedophilia and Satanism were intrinsically connected and how both were driven by the Demiurge-Archon Virus.
“The City” or “Square Mile” (London) was awash with secret societies, such as the Knights Templars, where man of global finance met the center of the British-Global-Legal professions which controlled banking, money and the law; home to the Royal courts of Justice. The entrance to the area is guarded by a flying reptile statue.
Satanism, pedophilia bloodlines and Archon-Reptilian are connected in a global interlocking network. It included America’s Bohemian Grove ‘Summer Camp,’ which included the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bush family, and the rich and famous political, banking and business insiders.
Symbols can hijack “focus” and are used profusely by religion, Satanism, secret societies and the establishment in all its forms. Chinese philosopher Confucius (551-479 BC) said that signs and symbols “rule the world, not work or laws.” Golgotha on Calvary, a place of crucifixion, was called the “place of the skull.” “Symbols of the United Nations, European Union, corporations, religions secret societies and Satanism,” says Icke, “are at random. They have energetic-occult meaning. Symbols represent the Demiurge, Archons, Saturn, Moon and Matrix. They are not around us for no reason.”
Archon interest flare off of “political correctness” by playing one label off one against another to divide and rule and set humanity at war with itself, and Phantom People are deceived whether it be world wars, conflicts with neighbors or family feuds, so focused on fighting itself and warring with fake and manufactured enemies that it is deeply hidden and cause “the force that made up the list in the first place.” (p. 210) “The Shepard (The System) writes the programs and the sheep (through peer pressure) impose the programs on other slaves.”
Political correctness is not about tolerance, but organized hatred, victimhood, fake tolerance imposed by “extreme tolerance.” The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee said that the ‘line’ “politically correct” is now actually “politically incorrect.”
“From where I am standing everyone should be treated the same with the Right to fairness and justice,” says Icke, “no matter what their color, religion or label…PC Special Forces are too consumed by their own self-righteousness and far too up their own arses to see that they are behaving precisely the same way that they so righteously condemn…depending on insanity for its survival.”
The Archon-Reptilian Hive-Mind-Virus through the infusion of Archon-Reptilian genetics to the Demiurge-mastered-Virus, which resembles a computer program with “downloaded rituals” as “norms.” “Stereotypical thinking and behavior masked as free and personal choice,” says Icke, “ is another hoax to keep you in the Phantom Self by kidding you that slavery is freedom.”
System-Lackey-Phantoms can be found at all levels of the hierarchy and you can recognize them easily by their unquestioning loyalty to The System and an obsession with its rules and regulations. Their sense of security, says Icke, from programmed norms being forever undisturbed by spontaneity; their mentality is an extreme expression of the Slave-Enslaving-Slaves program as the Archon Virus pursues total control. “If my sense of self was dependent on being liked,” says Icke, “by perception-enslaved idiots what would that say about me?”
“Revolution” to “free people” always “end in another version of slavery with rhetoric changes but not to the program that dictate their reality.” (p. 224).
You engineer a terrorist attack like 9/11 and falsely blame it on those you wish to demonize—-often done by government military agencies through the Hidden Hand. Icke says: “It’s all a mind game after all…the technique of PRS (Problem-Reaction-Solution) can be described as frightening the shit out of people so as they will do what you want, and here the left-brain-Reptilian-brain can come into its own.”
An example of the incongruity involved in the phony 9/11 attack blamed on “Islamic extremists” was Mohammed Atta, an alleged “Islamic extremist” who had a white non-Muslim American girlfriend, took cocaine, drank heavily, ate pork, and, in fact, was running drugs for the CIA through the Venice Airport in Florida at a flight training center.
The ”war on terror” consisted of a series of manufactured “excuses” to hide the enemy behind them all and set-up a security state at home. An investigation of this will never happen because it is blocked by the Archons who own the media. Stephen King, author, said “the trial of the innocent is the liar’s most useful.” Not only the innocent but also ‘fearful.’ The Phantom Self is whacked with fear.
Phantom Selves are so easy to divide and rule when they see everything as being against it from everything also and cannot conceive that we are all the same Infinite Awareness, no matter what labels they may give to themselves and others.
We don’t see the Problem-Reaction-Solution group tip toe around enough so most people will not see, which, as French Rothschild front man, Jean Monnet, said “eventually and universally leads to federation.”
Radical Phantoms think they are challenging The System, says Icke, when they are essential to The System which needs to divide and rule and hide its centralized control behind the illusion of diversity.
Some bloodline Phantoms are “profoundly infected,” possessed, Archon Virus that becomes The Virus: Super Phantoms, Psychopathic ‘glibness and superficial charm,’ grandiose sense of self-worth, pathological lying, cunning, manipulative, lack of remorse, emotionally shallow, callous with lack of empathy, unwillingness to accept responsibility for actions…parasitic lifestyle…having no failsafe mechanism…no regret after the deeds were done…the non-apathy-deleted-sexual-rush that some have…vanquishing their ‘targets’ is a sight to behold.
Psychopathic-banking-parasites are nothing but casinos, called the “great empire squid” by Goldman Sachs. Psychopaths hire psychopaths to direct The System for them. No One is immune from psychopathic traits, however mild, always questioning themselves as to if they have enough power to override the instructions of the program (p.239).
“Parasitic lifestyles” live-off the efforts of others. The Archon Virus is a parasite feeding all through the Hierarchical Structure of the Super-Phantom that runs the world.
The Archon Control System
The Pyramids of Manipulation
The Archon Control System perpetuates its mass slavery in many ways: Through violence and a police state, tyranny, and a democracy that dictates choice and the deception in having people “into believing they are free!” Hijacking choice, disguising themselves as “free” in a deceptive “free” Democracy—Masked in a Blueprint Spider’s Web of a Demiurge Virus with secret societies as strings in the Web and an Archon Spider at the Center.
Archon Control of money, monetary systems, and a deep desire for slavery is very vital to the Hidden Hand of bloodlines, political and financial systems created by Rothschild’s persuasion, secret societies traced back to ancient Babylon, Rome and the “Hidden System People.” (pp. 249, 250)
Banks are controlled by the Archon bloodlines, an economic cycle (pure manipulation) using ‘booms’ and “credit crunch-busts,” “unpayable debt” (and interest). The debt trap is conducted on countries as well as individuals. America is presently awash in over $220 trillion dollars (Laurence Kotlikoff, Economics professor at Boston University). Many more trillions of dollars will be added in the fight to recover from the Coronavirus attack of early 2020.
These debts are controlled by Central Banks such as the Rothschild created Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland , Hong Kong, and Mexico City. The Group of 30, Rockefeller Foundation, U.S. Federal Reserve, are but strains in the web of The Hidden Hand.
Archons and their hybrids that control the creation and distribution of ‘money’ also need ‘war’ to achieve their ambitions, even at the expense of homeless, starving women and children. They said: “Are the people hungry? Let them eat tanks! ” An Archon one percent (less, in fact) is stealing the world and 50 percent is not nearly enough for them—one out of multiple methods was to “dip or crash stock markets by bloodline families”—hoping that “asset prices hit bottom,” and then they will buy them back ‘cents on the dollar’ in a “reinfusion.”
Past number of humans are ‘slaves’ of the Archons when you one to the other play the system (Lawyer, doctor, politician. CEO, and other). “The more you need to serve the System to earn the money to survive that more control the system has over you,” says Icke. Approximately, 7.5 million unnecessary medical and surgical procedures are performed annually in the U.S, while about 8.9 million Americans are hospitalized unnecessarily in “iatrogenic deaths” annually estimated at 784,000. More than 2.25 million Americans will die from medical harm in this decade (p.258), while mainstream medicine controlled by the global Pharma or the critical care cartel are among the biggest killers on Earth. The Big Pharma cartel to cure cancer is far too lucrative to cure cancer. Big Pharma targets mind-altering and supplemental drugs for children and adults at fantastic levels and prices.
David Icke’s theories are not beyond criticism and in several cases certainly not all proven scientifically, as a 2020 controversy tying 5G transmission facilities as a possible cause of the Coronavirus. This came after David Icke appeared on a livestream for a popular channel called London Real. In the hours-long interview– Icke said there was a ‘link between 5G and this health crisis’ and suggested this was all a big ruse for us to be forced to take vaccinations actually filled with microchips that will in turn be used to control us. Icke had speculated that 5G is far from the prophesied miracle for modern society, rather the opposite. While controversial, the anti-5g crowd does have a following, even though great debate exists that 5G is somehow helping spread the Coronavirus. Some say 5G suppresses the immune system, while others say the Coronavirus is being transmitted by the radio waves. These claims have been debunked by a few but not all scientists.
Coronavirus outbreaks, however, occurred in UK cities where 5G hasn’t been rolled out.
Erdmann notes that not so far from the time that Icke’s book came out and spoke of an all-controlling grotesque mystical Virus, that a physical outbreak of a coronavirus infested the Earth in much the same fashion on a closer level.
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) made the biggest heatless fraud settlement in the U.S. history—-$3-billion-dollars after being exposed for promoting drugs in unapproved uses failing to incorporate safety data of the drug requested by the Food and Drug Administration (FOA), and also for paying kickbacks to doctors (p. 265). They also developed in 2013 a toxic drug for poorest and weakest people.
The Legal System that ranges over the Earth is clinically insane. “The cost of the often parasitic and psychopathic legal profession means that all but the rich are mostly denied quality representation,” says Icke, “or even any representation at all within a system that is already rigged in fames tiny few at the expense of the very many.” There are almost zero exceptions, realizing that the sordid Legal System has practically nothing to do with justice.
That judges can be members of secret societies showed how claims of “justice” had been only farcical. The corrupt system of law and law enforcement to delete all choice in ways a brilliant Archon hijack for humanity to see what beyond-the-Matrix and any hopes is of “genuine choices and free decisions.”
The future will be a stark reality of the “El-ite” under a merciless police state of deeply programmed psychopaths who want to protect the Archons and their hybrids. Artificial Intelligence (AI ), as part of the Archon Virus, will aid and abet the transfer of wealth from the global population to Elite controlled government through “bailouts.”
The growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has led to weaponization by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and its being a vehicle for the Virus’s Google programs and the Internet—the web complex of NSA, CIA, Smart Grid, CERN, Ray Kurzweil‘s transcendence, HARP-type manipulation, nanotechnology, Morgellons disease, in a Hive-minded assimilation of a Collective Borg-Superhuman-El-ite-Demiurge-Archon-Mind-Meld where resistance seems futile.
“Once again DARPA, one of the world’s most sinister organizations, has been driving Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence in brags on its own website,” says Icke. “DARPA is a familiar pillar of the Archon transhumanist society…if DARPA, an arm of the Pentagon (arm of the Archons) is involved in anything then it is always really bad for humanity.” (p. 389)
Icke says the last resort for mankind is a grand “revolution”: Self-identity; perception; awakening to the Infinite Self. We need to ‘deprogram’ ourselves, says Icke, and no longer see ourselves through the “hoax” of pursuing money, status and power for our own sake and not also by what other people think about you or their wishes that are out to hurt or harm you.
Archons want to suppress the Super-consciousness—our thoughts, emotions, attitudes and perceptions are frequencies and electromagnetic phenomena attracting vibrational magnetism and other frequencies and electromagnetic fields (p. 402).
Problems, says Icke, are the specialty of the Phantom Self and can only be deleted by an Infinite Self. It is the fork in the road. The Archon Matrix manifests itself in our own present awareness. When you self-identify beyond the Phantom and its super-consciousness, “you begin to emit your own frequency and imprint your intent on the Universe and not the implanted Archon intent.” Giordano Bruno said: “The Divine light is always in man, presenting itself to the senses and comprehension, but Man rejects it.”
![Photos Extra bruno](https://ufospotlight.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/photos-extra-bruno.jpg?w=656)
Giordano Bruno
‘‘Super-consciousness is beyond the Matrix and so beyond the realm of fear. Without fear the Archons have no power,” says Icke. “Even at the level of courage that transcends fear, the Archons have no power. Their power is only the power that we give them out of fear of not doing so.”
“The Phantom World is a prison, Super-conscious world is a paradise,” says Icke. “The Demiurge Archon Virus is terrified of awakening people living their freedoms…the world is indeed mad, but so many more are now becoming sane—becoming conscious.”
“The hard-ugly reality is being told and has been told in many fiction and science-fiction stories and writers: our reality has been created by those with Power that are behind the curtain and wear masks! The authors cry out for us to listen, but we have been so brainwashed and so controlled and so distanced from this truth that only can phantasmagoria somewhat reach us—if at all.” (Steve Erdmann, 2020)
![New Dawn: The World's Most Unusual Magazine](https://www.newdawnmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/new-dawn-masthead9-copy2.jpg)
“Everybody wants the New Age, but they want it to be an American New Age, or a British New Age, or a Communistic New Age. I say that all forms of government will collapse. Every seat of government will fall utterly and completely. Every economic system will be eliminated. All forms of authority which are under the direct guidance and tutelage of the Black Dragon will perish.”
Above quote from the below article:
The main article and other articles quoted are the opinions of Icke and his followers only and do not necessarily endorse the opinions of the general public. This article is only a summarized version of his book. One must read the book and others he has published in order to get a full review and comprehension of his insights.
Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann, 2020
Books and works of David Icke:
(1983) It’s a Tough Game, Son!, London: Piccolo Books. ISBN 0-330-28047-3
(1989) It Doesn’t Have To Be Like This: Green Politics Explained, London: Green Print. ISBN 1-85425-033-7
(1991) The Truth Vibrations, London: Gateway. ISBN 1-85860-006-5
(1992) Love Changes Everything, London: Harper Collins Publishers. ISBN 1-85538-247-4
(1993) In the Light of Experience: The Autobiography of David Icke, London: Warner Books. ISBN 0-7515-0603-6
(1993) Days of Decision, London: Jon Carpenter Publishing. ISBN 1-897766-01-7
(1993) Heal the World: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Personal and Planetary Transformation, London: Gateway. ISBN 1-85860-005-7
(1994) The Robot’s Rebellion, London: Gateway. ISBN 1-85860-022-7
(1995) … And the Truth Shall Set You Free, Ryde: Bridge of Love Publications. ISBN 0-9538810-5-9
(1996) I Am Me, I Am Free: The Robot’s Guide to Freedom, New York: Truth Seeker. ISBN 0-9526147-5-8
(1998) Lifting the Veil: David Icke interviewed by Jon Rappoport. New York: Truth Seeker. ISBN 0-939040-05-0
(1999) The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World, Ryde: Bridge of Love Publications. ISBN 0-9526147-6-6
(2001) Children of the Matrix, Ryde: Bridge of Love Publications. ISBN 0-9538810-1-6
(2002) Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster, Ryde: Bridge of Love Publications. ISBN 0-9538810-2-4
(2003) Tales from the Time Loop, Ryde: Bridge of Love Publications. ISBN 0-9538810-4-0
(2005) Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion, Ryde: Bridge of Love Publications. ISBN 0-9538810-6-7
(2007) The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy (and how to end it), Ryde: David Icke Books Ltd. ISBN 978-0-9538810-8-6
(2010) Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More, Ryde: David Icke Books Ltd. ISBN 978-0-9559973-1-0
(2012) Remember Who You Are: Remember ‘Where’ You Are and Where You ‘Come’ From, Ryde: David Icke Books Ltd. ISBN 0-9559973-3-X
(2013) The Perception Deception: Or … It’s All Bollocks – Yes, All of It, Ryde: David Icke Books Ltd. ISBN 978-0-955997389
(2016) Phantom Self (And how to find the real one), Ryde: David Icke Books Ltd. ISBN 978-0-9576308-8-8
(2017) Everything You Need To Know But Have Never Been Told, Ryde: David Icke Books Ltd. ISBN 978-1527207264
(2019) The Trigger: The Lie That Changed The World, Ryde: David Icke Books Ltd. ISBN 978-1-916025806
(1994) The Robots’ Rebellion
(1996) Turning of the Tide
(1998) The Freedom Road
(1999) David Icke: The Reptilian Agenda, with Zulu Sanusi (Shaman) Credo Mutwa
(1999) David Icke: Revelations of a Mother Goddess, with Arizona Wilder
(2000) David Icke Live in Vancouver: From Prison to Paradise
(2003) Secrets of the Matrix
(2006) Freedom or Fascism: The Time to Choose
(2008) David Icke Live at the Oxford Union Debating Society on YouTube
(2008) Beyond the Cutting Edge: Live from Brixton Academy
(2008) David Icke: Big Brother, the BIG Picture on YouTube
(2010) The Lion Sleeps No More
(2012) Return to Peru
(2012) Remember Who You Are: Live at Wembley Arena
(2014) Awaken: Live from Wembley Arena
(2017) Worldwide Wake Up Tour Live
(2019) Renegade
Those wishing to reach Steve Erdmann can reach him at dissenterdisinter@yahoo.com or independenterdmann@gmail.com or through the editor of these magazines. He also has a Facebook Magazine at http://www.facebook.com/#!/stephen.erdmann1
You can also visit his articles at:
http://www.minds.com – TheDissenter,
Alternate Perception Magazine: http://www.apmagazine.info/,
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