David Icke’s Reality
The Evil Archons The Big Lie as Warned by David Icke – About the Illusionists By: Steve Erdmann Copyright, C, Steve Erdmann, 2020 Small portions of this article can be quoted by reviewers and journalists as long as full credits are given to the original article. An similar version of this article can be viewed at https://wordpresscom507.wordpress.com/2020/04/18/david-icke-and-the-hidden-control/ David Icke Part I The Discovery “Man is not made for defeat. Man can be destroyed, but not defeated.” Santiago , in Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea . “The System is specifically designed to entrap us in thought. ‘Education’ is about thinking and so is science, Medicare, business, politics, all of it. Science for example will never understand reality from the realm only of thought because thought cannot access those levels of awareness capable of understanding reality and seei...