The “Six Million” Myth
Zion’s Big Lie “ The First Holocaust ” by Don Heddesheimer is a critical work documenting the continuous Jewish attempts at floating out Holocaust propaganda before, during and after World War One , often invoking the magical “6,000,000” figure and using the term “Holocaust”. Of course, these clever propagandists have since accomplished their goal of establishing the outrageous myth of the Jewish Holocaust™ in the public consciousness following the end of WW2. In large part due to fictional Hollywood movies like “Shindler’s List” from that lying venomous worm, Steven Spielberg. Read The First Holocaust online here . Why the number “Six Million”? As documented in the book The First Holocaust , the Zionists have continuously and hysterically attempted to claim that six million Jews were dead, dying or in grave danger in Europe and Russia since the late 1800’s. Any time there was turmoil in Europe, albeit turmoil often instigated by ...